Authentic Ayurveda Treatments

Anjali Ayurveda NS Holistic Treatment Centre & Apothecary

Doreen Murphy-Doucette


Our Philosophy

Anjali’s philosophy is to give our clients the most rewarding treatments based on traditional Ayurvedic techniques. By encouraging health from within, our holistic and natural treatments aid in re-balancing and rejuvenating the body and spirit.

All treatments are based on Ayurvedic principals. Anjali uses only natural products, and has made a sincere and dedicated effort to preserve and present the essence of traditional Ayurveda.

“Wonderful treatment, thank you. How lucky Yarmouth is to have you here practicing.”

– Willem Dafoe

Special thanks to actor Willem Dafoe for choosing Anjali Ayurveda N.S. It has been a pleasure!!

Contact Me

Get In Touch

All treatments are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Doreen can be reached at (902) 749-8232. You can also find her on the Facebook page, "Eleanor Autumn Apothecary".